Walz tax cut deserves scrutiny

Sharing articles from the American Experiment

The DFL’s proposed tax cut does not live up to the hype
Given the small size of the money earmarked for tax relief, and the type of proposals being floated at the capitol, it is highly unlikely that people who are burdened with high taxes will see any type of relief. Martha Njolomole’s analysis

Freedom Rally brings message to St. Paul: Stop the Madness!
Hundreds of Minnesotans converged on the State Capitol Tuesday to rally for freedom at our Stop the Madness event. Watch the video

President Gabel’s departure offers the U of M an opportunity to reboot on public safety
Gabel has led the university in the direction of wokeness which was spearheaded by her ill-advised demonization of the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), throwing law enforcement under the bus. Dave Zimmer reports

Ranked-choice voting moves ahead in the MN Senate, but does it even work?
A new report by University of Minnesota professor Larry Jacobs and Penny Thomas, a PhD student, carries the headline “Where’s the evidence supporting Ranked Choice Voting Claims?” The short answer is: nowhere. Bill Glahn explains

While we focus on equity, South Dakota kicks our butt in Median Household Income growth
Can someone explain how Minnesota lost 19,400 residents to other parts of the United States in 2021-2022, while South Dakota gained 8,424? John Phelan explains

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No easy answers: Learn the complexity of homelessness from a Hennepin County expert

What’s the real story behind the challenge of homelessness in the Twin Cities? It’s more complicated than you think. Join Center of the American Experiment for a Lunch Forum featuring David Hewitt, Director of Housing Stability for Hennepin County. Mr. Hewitt’s ambitious goal is to make homelessness rare, brief and nonrecurring. His experience in this area over the past 20 years includes public sector and non-profit work in the United Kingdom, Cambodia, and now Minnesota.

Mr. Hewitt will share information on efforts to address homelessness in Hennepin County, and discuss the complexities involved in these efforts. Attendees will enjoy lunch, and have an opportunity to ask questions during our facilitated discussion session.

Join us for lunch and a great discussion!

— Take Action 
Stop the bait and switch on Ethnic Studies!

A top goal of Gov. Tim Walz and his allies in the Minnesota legislature is to politicize our schools through the insertion of a radical form of ethnic studies into the curriculum from kindergarten through twelfth grade.

But you wouldn’t know it listening to them.

Their sales pitch for this radical agenda is a classic bait and switch.

Center of the American ExperimentCenter of the American Experiment, 8421 Wayzata Blvd, Suite 110, Golden Valley, MN 55426, United States