Minutes away, in St. Cloud, the House majority may be determined.
There are less than three weeks until the Nov. 5th election. Wow, we really are on the cusp of turning this state around and ending the Democrats’ complete control of St. Paul. And, right in our backyard, Sue Ek is running one of the most competitive races in the state as she seeks to defeat Dan Wolgamott. Sue’s campaign has been in high gear since she received the GOP endorsement in the spring and now here hard work is paying off and the race is a pure toss-up. That’s right. Sue can win.
This is our call to action.
Can you help us win this seat in St. Cloud for Republicans?
This Saturday, I’m joining the Minnesota Young Republicans for a door knock in support of Sue Ek as we push toward the election. You’re invited to join us whether you are a Young Republican or not! Now is the time for all hands on deck. Here are the details:
Minnesota Young Republican Door Knock for Sue Ek
Saturday, October 19th
11:00 A.M.
Meet at the Target Parking Lot on the East Side of St. Cloud
125 Lincoln Ave SE, St Cloud, MN 56304
Support Sue Here |